Frequently asked questions.
Where does CUNIFORMrecycled come from?
We get products for our in house collection of CUNIFORMrecycled designer products from a variety of places. These garments, shoes and accessories are all pre-loved designer goods at a fraction of the retail price. Some come to us by way of other clients and some come to us from our personal styling team shopping for items that we know our clients will love.
When is the best time to book my first appointment?
It’s always a great time to get started with your first appointment with CUNIFORM. Our personal stylists are trained to work with any client no matter their needs. They tailor all of their services to each client’s specific needs. So there’s no need to wait between seasons or for weight fluctuations to subside. We’ve got you covered no matter your needs.
Do I have to book a second appointment after The Wardrobe Audit?
No. We’ve built our services so they work a-la-cart. Meaning, you can hire your stylist at anytime for any service. With that said, the most beneficial way to building your dream wardrobe is to complete the first appointment, The Wardrobe Audit and the secondary appointment, The Gap Filll - so your wardrobe is designed by your stylist to do all of the work for you.
What if I don’t know what I need?
No problem. The easiest place to start is to book a consultation with your stylist. During that time they will partner with you to identify your needs through a series of questions that give them information to create a personalized appointment for you.
How much should I spend on clothing?
We get this question a lot. It all depends on your needs and what products you want to explore. With that said, we like to do simple backwards math; i.e.
If you have a Gap Fill list of 10 items, say:
black blazer
flat boots
3 tee shirts
4 new blouses
1 jacket
Then we’d suggest an average clothing budget of at least $2,000. This means you’ll get $200/item including taxes. Pricing for certain categories are higher, i.e. coats vs tee shirts. But this will allow your wardrobe to get the best additions without having to cut corners on fabric quality and tailoring.